Moving large and bulky items is something that you should not do alone. Especially so in that case when you need to move something as large as a piano or any other musical instrument of that size. Still, you may have problems deciding what moving company you should choose for your move. It is, after all, a legitimate question: what are the makings of a decent piano moving company? We are going to try and help you find the answer to this question. Still, it is not going to be an easy thing to do. Moving companies are plentiful nowadays. You are going to need to keep your eyes wide open when striking a deal with them. Therefore, bear with us and find out what you need to pay attention to when you need to move your large musical instruments such as a piano.
Makings Of A Decent Piano Moving Company – What Are They?
There are a few things that you should be mindful of when you are searching for a moving company for you:
- Reliable piano movers have the necessary tools for the move
- Experience always plays its part
- Good online rating
- Trustworthy piano movers are licensed, insured and bonded
The above-mentioned are the makings of a decent piano moving company that you should be looking to hire for your move. For those that are too excited to read on, here’s a hint: one of the things that you can do to make sure that you are hiring a reliable moving company is to check their rating in
Now, let’s see what else you should pay attention to in more depth.
The Rules Tools Of The Game
There are two reasons why you should be hiring a reliable moving company to help you relocate your piano:
- You probably do not have the adequate equipment to conduct the move yourself
- Piano movers have the necessary knowledge to conduct the move
The first thing that you should ask yourself in the case that you are thinking about transporting your piano without help from any mover is whether you have the tools to do that. Do you actually know what kind of tools you should use? If your answer to these questions is positive, then you may proceed with planning your DIY piano move. However, we are certain that there are very few people who are not professional movers that do have the tools needed to move a piano.

Therefore, when you start conducting the search for the moving company, you should put together a list of questions and the most commonly used tools for piano moving. Then, ask your potential movers whether they have such tools in their possession. If they do not, move on. If they do have it, then ask them more detailed questions about how they do it. Even better, let them explain to you, step-by-step, how they, in general, move pianos.
Experience Is Important
Some would say that experience equals knowledge. That some would be right. That is the plain truth, you can learn a lot just by reading about a certain process. However, until you have gone through it yourself from the very beginning till the end, you are not going to have the first-hand knowledge of how something is supposed to be done and what could go wrong. The same goes for moving a piano.
When it comes to moving such large and bulky items, you need to have done it before in order to complete it entirely by yourself. Therefore, the experience is one of the makings of a decent piano moving company. Do yourself a favor and hire one that has been through the process many times so far. You are not going to get any better advise.
Online Rating As One Of The Makings Of A Decent Piano Moving Company
Online ratings, obviously, are not going to make one piano moving company better or worse at their core competency, which piano moving is. However, it is going to help you make the difference.
The internet has enabled us to access information in a matter of seconds. No matter whether you are looking for a scholarly article or simply trying to find the best moving company for your needs, the internet is on your side. Since this is the fact, you should make sure to use it to your benefit.

There are many places online where you can seek advice on a moving company. However, we like pointing out two of them:
- The website of the moving company that you are looking into hiring.
Website of the moving company is a good starting point. There is going to be a section on all of them with preferred comments. However, you should make sure to browse through all of the comments available. Look for those that are not in favor of that particular mover. Find out what people disliked about that moving company and decide how that aspect is important to you.
Yelp is another place where you should do the same. The only difference is that Yelp is a third-party website where you cannot maddle with reviews. Therefore, you should trust it a bit more.
Insurance, Bond, And License
The last makings of a decent moving company are something that has been created in order to make it easier to make the difference between the trustworthy piano moving companies and the ones that you should avoid dealing with. Ladies and gentlemen meet moving insurance, bond, and license.
Basically, the moving industry is regulated both by states on a local level and on the federal government on the federal level. Depending on where you are moving from or to, you may need to ask to inspect the mover’s license from either of the two institutions.
Also, in order to make sure that you are dealing with a reliable mover, make sure to check the Better Business Bureau for their rating. All companies that are reliable will have a good rating here.
In the end, we are going to focus on the insurance policy. This is one of the makings of a decent piano moving company. An insurance policy is important because it protects the owner of the belongings being transported from any damages that can happen during the move. Therefore, make sure to hire an insured moving company to take care of your move. This way you will be in safe hands with nothing to worry about.